
Welcome to the Imagination of Kimber Krochmal; writer, artist, mom, and kid at heart.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Being Me... ALL of me

This is a re-post from my old blog in 2010 but It's just as important today as it was then. And frankly, I need the reminder. I have found myself slipping back into the old pattern of losing myself in only one aspect of my personality and forgetting to nourish the others.

I AM- My Personal Collage

Here is the original blog entry:

I'm not just a mom, or just a writer, or just an artist. I'm all of those things and much more. But sometimes I get so caught up in being ONE of them that I forget to be the others. My life gets out of balance and I start to forget who I really am.

And that balance is really important. It makes me a better mom, a better writer, a better artist... a better everything.

If all I ever do is write, what will I write about? What will give me inspiration? You have to experience life to write about it.

If all I ever do are mom things, I'll start to feel overwhelmed and under appreciated. I'll become grouchy. And a grouchy me... well, that's not good for anyone. :P

But the balance, when I manage to keep it balanced, makes for a happier me. And that makes me a better mom, writer, artist, everything.

So I guess the question is... How am I going to keep my life balanced? How am I going to be ME... ALL of ME?

To be honest, I'm not completely sure. But the first step is to remind myself of who I am. All the different facets of my personality.

At a writing conference I attended, one of the presenters suggested making a character collage to help remind you of all the facets of your character's personality so they don't become flat cookie cutter characters. I figured if it would work with characters, maybe it'll work for me too.

Because let's face it, I feel like I've become a flat cookie cutter character lately. And who wants that? It makes for boring characters and it makes for a boring Kim too. :P

So I made a Kimber Collage. You can see it above. It has all the different facets of my personality included. Maybe even some that'll surprise you. :)

I'm going to hang that picture up near my computer as a reminder to myself to keep being me... ALL of me.

UPDATE: This picture never made up on my wall. My computer USB ports failed (ALL of them if you can believe that- what are the odds of that happening) and my printer will no longer work so it's never been printed. Hopefully, soon I'll be able to afford a new computer and can hang this up where I'll see it every day.

You can read the original entry/see the original comments HERE.

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